ProjectWise Explorer Help

Spatial tab / Spatial Navigator

When the Spatial Extension is installed, and there is spatial content in the dataource, the document list contains two tabs: the List tab, and the Spatial tab. The List tab is the standard document list which lets you see all the documents you have access to in the selected folder or work area.

The Spatial tab shows the contents of a folder from a geographical perspective; documents are displayed through their footprints rather than a document icon. The background map is usually published from a server, so it may take few seconds the first time you access a folder associated with a given map.

In the Spatial tab, the background map displays inside the Spatial Navigator. The toolbar at the top of the Spatial Navigator provides the following display options and map navigation tools:

  • Select
  • Pan
  • Zoom In
  • Zoom Out
  • Window Area
  • Fit to Folder
  • Fit to All Geometries
  • Fit to Selected (Geometry)

The Symbology Legend (at the bottom of the Spatial Navigator) displays the meaning of the different symbologies used in the Spatial view that is currently applied to the background map.